Today we placed the first column of the new ETHCO e.n.a. & biofuels plant in Dwangwa, Malawi. In the following picture you can se from right to left : Mr. Dave Campbel (erection coordinator for P.M.E.) , Mr. Wright Kachepa (Project Engineer - ETHCO), me (Green Engineering), Miss Susan K. Nyirenda (Project Manager - ETHCO) , Mr. Massimo Minucci (Senior Layout Project Engineer - Green Engineering), Mr. Frighton Njolomole (Assistant of the Project Manager - ETHCO), Mr. Filippo Cecchi (Piping Project Engineer - Green Engineering). Behind us you can see the stripping column standing on its position inside the distillation tower of the existing distillery.
Below some pictures of the stripping column's erection :Mr. Dave Campbel giving latest instructions for the erection operation
Stripping column pulling up in the distillation tower (me and Filippo Cecchi on the right)
Stripping column pulled up in the distillation tower
Mr. Dave Campbell checking the column's resting on a frame standing over the concrete basement
Looking at the photo of the erection supervision team of the new Ethco Distillery, I've been impressed by a detail: all the persons have their badge. This is just a detail, but I firmly believe that it well express the safety phylosophy of Ethco Management, and particularly of Mrs. Susan K. Nyrenda - Site Manager -. I think that this behaviour should be an example for many of our sites, here in Italy. In Green Engineering we are convinced the the full respect of all the safety regulations is very important to reduce the risks of incidents, which are often caused by inattention and superficiality.
Guardando la foto che ritrae il team di supervisione per il montaggio della nuova distilleria di Ethco, un particolare mi ha colpito: tutti i componenti avevano la propria badge di identificazione. E' solo un dettaglio, ma che a mio giudizio rivela compiutamente la filosofia che ispira il Management Ethco, ed in particolare il Responsabile della Distilleria Sig.ra Susan K. Nyirenda, sulla sicurezza nel cantiere. Considero questo modo di comportarsi di esempio anche per molti dei nostri cantieri in Italia. In Green Engineering diamo molta importanza ad una scrupolosa osservanza di tutte le norme relative alla sicurezza che, a nostro giudizio, rappresentano un valido contributo per la diminuzione del rischio di incidenti troppo spesso dovuti a disattenzione e superificialità.
Andrea Macchia - President of Green Engineering
Marta Fontanelli- Chairman Assistant