In these days a new article , titled "SWEET SORGHUM TO PRODUCE IN ITALY SUSTAINABLE ETHANOL, ELECTRICITY AND HEAT IN DECENTRALISED SMALL MEDIUM BIOREFINERY" has been officially included in the proceedings of the 19° International Symposium on Alcohol Fuel (ISAF).
The article, realised by CETA and Green Engineering, was presented at ISAF 2011 in Verona (ITALY) in October , and it offers a summary of the main figures of the whole production chain : from sweet sorghum cultivation to the sale of products and byproducts .
For the first time, in the article has been treated a version of the production model that takes into account a bigger are to harvest ,about 3,000 ha, instead of the 1,800 ha considered in the "basic" version of this model.
Moreover figures related to applicable prices for the feedstock are shown and a basic feasibility analysis is presented.
The article represents a further effort of CETA-Green Engineering in developing a new model of production for bioethanol in Italy .
You can download the full article from the following link :