Green Engineering has been invited as speaker to the International Workshop of the Sweet Fuel Project in Bologna (ITALY) , on 18th April 2012 :
18 April 2012 – h. 9.00
Sala Ulisse - Accademia delle Scienze
Via Zamboni 33 - Bologna
The project SWEETFUEL (Sweet Sorghum: An alternative energy crop) is supported by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme to exploit the advantages of sweet sorghum as potential energy crop for bioethanol production.
Sweet sorghum is a C4 plant with the following interesting characteristics: (i) its growth cycle is short (about four months) facilitating double cropping, (ii) it can be easily grown from seeds, (iii) its production can be completely mechanized, (iv) it can produce sugar in the stalk and starch in the grain, (v) it has a high water and nutrient use efficiency, (vi) the bagasse produced from sweet sorghum has high biological value when used as forage and (vii) it has a wide adaptability to different environments.
However, unlike sugarcane and maize, sweet sorghum has little breeding history. The potential of yield improvement through genetic enhancement is thus very high.
The main objective of SWEETFUEL is to optimize yields in temperate, semi-arid and sub-tropical regions by genetic enhancement and improvement of agricultural practices.
In order to achieve this objective, activities of the SWEETFUEL project include to:
- Breed sweet sorghum ideotypes specially adapted to temperate climates, drought prone environments and poor soils
- Improve knowledge on the relationships among traits for sugar accumulation, plant phenology, stay-green and terminal drought tolerance
- Understand the agronomic determinants of optimized yield and recommend cultivation and harvest techniques
- Provide a multi-criteria (social, economic and environmental) sustainability evaluation of sweet sorghum value chains
- Promote the exchanges between RTD experts, stakeholders and key actors
- Identify and monitor ethical risks resulting from ethanol production from sweet sorghum and to propose guidelines for policy makers
The following is the program of the day :
Chairman: Andrea Monti - University of Bologna, Serge Braconnier - CIRAD
09h00 Welcome
Dario Braga, Vice-Rector of Bologna University
09h15 The SWEETFUEL Project: towards final results
Serge Braconnier, CIRAD
09h40 Breeding for biomass sorghum in Europe : a global review on target traits and plant ideotypes depending on cropping conditions and transformation process Gill Trouche, CIRAD
10h05 Molecular and biochemical analysis of a bioenergy sorghum panel for lignin content
Cynthia Damasceno, EMBRAPA
10h30 Light buffet
11h00 Highlights from BIOSEA project on management of sweet sorghum Lorenzo Barbanti, University of Bologna
11h25 Environmental implications (LCA) associated with biofuels Guido Reinhardt, IFEU
11h50 Life cycle costing approach (LCC) applied to biofuels
Stefano Bontempi, University of Bologna
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