"Customs inconsistencies destabilise European ethanol industry
12th November, 2007
All eyes are on ethanol due to the rise in political popularity of biofuels, but inconsistencies in customs legislation are putting the sustainable future of European biofuels and the whole European ethanol industry at risk. The EU is losing duty and effectively subsidising ethanol producers in other countries at the expense of the European market.
Ethanol, whether agricultural or synthetic in origin, is classified under Chapter 22 of customs legislation but the loophole means some companies are blending ethanol with other chemicals to import it as a miscellaneous chemical product under Chapter 38.
Increasing imports of ethanol are entering the EU, primarily from countries with high production like Brazil, Pakistan and Ukraine. But this loophole also creates an incentive for other countries to flood the EU market with misclassified imports, threatening the stability of the European industry and its ability to provide a share of the ethanol needed for biofuels. "
Credo che i politici che si occupano di ambiente in Italia dovrebbero riflettere su questo argomento e dare delle risposte immediate. La normativa sull'utilizzo del bioetanlo in Italia esiste dal 2005, eppure cosa concretamente è stato fatto? Niente, o poco più. Si parla molto di bioetanolo e biofuels, se ne parla troppo. Entro il 2010 dovremmo additivare le nostre benzine con Bioetanolo al 5.75% . Siamo al 2008.