Green Engineering is going to partecipate as industrial expert in technologies for ethanol production, and a full model of a biorefinery based on sweet sorghum will be presented .
The following is the official program of the day :
14:00 Registration
Chairman : Francesco Marangon President of CETA
SWEETHANOL project: The sustainability of the model for the integrated production of bioethanol and other energy products using sweet sorghum in decentralised small-medium plants.
Michela Pin, CETA
14:40 National strategies on the matter of energy production from the biomasses - Marco Bertagni, ITABIA
15:00 Agronomical aspects - Dario Sacco, University of Torino
15:20 Technological experiences for the bioethanol production - Eugenio Macchia, Green Engineering S.r.l.
15:40 By-products valorisation: the anaerobic digestion - Mariangela Soldano, CRPA-ING
16:00 By-products valorisation: combustion and co-generation - Roberta Roberto, ENEA
16:20 Round Table
Giorgio Piazza, Pres. Ass. Fattorie del Sole – Coldiretti
Will contribute to the debate : Coldiretti – Paolo Abballe; Unima – Francesco Torrisi; ASSOSEMENTI – Marco Nardi; C.A.I. SpA -Consorzi Agrari d’Italia – Palo Martin;
Invited to participate in the debate :
Public Administrations – DG Agriculture, Industry, Environment and Economy of the Piemonte and Lombardia Regions – the professionals Associations, the operators of the sector
17.30 Conclusions